Micro Focus / HPE / HP Service Manager 4
2019., július 16.,
1127 szó, elolvasásához kb.:
6 perc kell
[How to guides, tips and tricks / útmutatók, tippek és trükkök]
#micro focus #hpe #hp #service manager #sm #how to
Table of contents
Jóváhagyók átmozgatása Request Model-ről, “Line Item Level” jóváhagyásra
// update approvalDef and Model and catalog item and move the ranamed approvals
// fake empty approval just for reference
var x = new SCFile( "requestModel" );
x.doSelect( "name=\"" + "Cable" + "\"" );
//print( x.approvals );
// svcCatalog
var sci = new SCFile( "svcCatalog" );
//sci.doSelect( "name=\"STandO Orion\"" );
sci.doSelect( 'active=true and non.cart=true and type="item" and status="Operational"');
var c=1;
do {
var requestModel=lib.svcCatInterface.getXMLFieldValue( sci.interface_info, "requestModel" );
// requestModel
var m = new SCFile( "requestModel" );
m.doSelect( "name=\"" + requestModel + "\"" );
if( m.approvals[0][0] != null && sci.support_item != true ) {
print( "#" + c + " Catalog item name: " + sci.name );
//print( sci.interface_info );
print( "Model name: " + m.name );
print( "Model original approvals: " + m.approvals );
if ( m.approvals.length() == 0 ) {
print( "No approval(s)!" );
var approvals = new SCDatum();
for( var i = 0; i < m.approvals.length(); i++ ) {
approvals.push( renameApproval( m.approvals[i][0] ) );
//print( approvals );
m.approvals = x.approvals;
//print ( "Empty appr: " + m.approvals );
m.doAction( "save" );
sci.approvals = approvals;
print ( "New approvals: " + sci.approvals );
sci.doAction( "save" );
} while ( sci.getNext() == RC_SUCCESS );
// rename and approvals with SVC prefix
function renameApproval( name ) {
var a = new SCFile( "ApprovalDef" );
var aa = new SCFile( "ApprovalDef" );
var rc = a.doSelect( "name=\"" + name + "\"" );
a.name = "SVC " + a.name;
if( rc == RC_SUCCESS && aa.doCount( "name=\"" + a.name + "\"" ) == 0 ) {
print( "ApprovalDef rename: [" + a.name + "]" );
a.doAction( "save" );
return a.name;
Jóváhagyók listázása Request Model-en
// fake empty approval just for reference
var x = new SCFile( "requestModel" );
x.doSelect( "name=\"" + "Cable" + "\"" );
//print( x.approvals );
// svcCatalog list
var sci=new SCFile( "svcCatalog" );
sci.doSelect( 'active=true and non.cart=true and type="item" and status="Operational"');
print ( sci.doCount( 'active=true and non.cart=true and type="item" and status="Operational"' ) );
print( "### START" );
var i=1;
do {
var requestModel=lib.svcCatInterface.getXMLFieldValue( sci.interface_info, "requestModel" );
// requestModel
var m = new SCFile( "requestModel" );
var c = m.doCount( "name=\"" + requestModel + "\"" )
m.doSelect( "name=\"" + requestModel + "\"" );
if( m.approvals[0][0] != null && sci.support_item != true ) {
print ( "#"+i+". Catalog item name: " + sci.name + " (" + sci.parent[0] + ") " + m.name + " (" + c + ")" );
print ( " Model name: " + m.name + " (" + c + ")" );
print ( " Model approval(s): " + m.approvals[0][0] );
} while( sci.getNext() == RC_SUCCESS );
print( "### END [" + ( i - 1 ) + "]" );